June 27, 2022

ERP Designed for Food & Beverage Companies - I’ll Drink to That!

The food & beverage sector celebrates with a champagne explosion with a toast of flutes

Before there was Food & Beverage ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software, there was plain old accounting software that was used only by the CFO and other members of the accounting team, such as AP (Accounts Payable) clerks and AR (Accounts Receivable) clerks. And this accounting software was not integrated into any other programs that a company might have been running.

Great Plains Software, introduced in 1983, was one of the first – if not THE first – accounting software programs on the market. It was a vast improvement over the old-fashioned ledgers that accountants had used before that. It was one of the most popular – if not THE most popular – accounting software systems.

But it didn’t take long for innovators like Microsoft to realize the potential that computers had to offer. In 2001 Microsoft purchased Great Plains Software for $1.1 million! And it didn’t take much longer for Microsoft to turn the relatively simple Great Plains accounting software into a more comprehensive integrated ERP solution called Microsoft Dynamics GP, which is still a very popular, albeit on-premises, solution.

Along Came the Cloud 

Then, along came the cloud, and that is where most ERP software systems now reside. In addition to fully functional financial management, today’s ERP systems, like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, include incredible functionality for manufacturers, distributors, and field service companies.

And yet…

With all of those great features and all of that great functionality, these programs still do not address the highly unique needs of companies in the Food & Beverage Industry. Outside the Food & Beverage sector, companies do not have to deal with catch weights, ingredient labeling, recipe changes, changing customer tastes, proper refrigeration, or spoilage. Or the FDA!

DynamicsFoodERP Quote

Thank Heaven for DynamicsFoodERP!

Finally! An ERP software solution that is purpose-built for the Food & Beverage Industry. Finally! A single unified solution for the unique needs of the Food & Beverage Industry. It is ever so aptly known as DynamicsFoodERP. And if your company is in the Food & Beverage sector, DynamicsFoodERP is the solution you have been waiting for.

Just think about it. When you’re managing products with a limited shelf life, it is critical to have software that can:

  • Manage expiration dates
  • Control picking dates
  • Implement an agile production schedule
  • Trace all products
  • Where products were produced
  • When products were produced
  • By whom products were produced
  • Comply with ever-changing regulations
  • Enforce quality control
  • Manage containers
  • Manage catch-weights

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg (pun intended). There’s just so much more to tell you about the power of DynamicsFoodERP, the problems it solves for you, how it works, ease of use, and peace of mind. Here are a few links to articles where you can read more:

Food & Beverage: How to Choose the “Right” ERP Implementation Partner - Liberty Grove Software

Why Is BI (Business Intelligence) Critical for Your Food Industry Business? - Liberty Grove Software

How Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Supports the Food & Beverage Industry - Liberty Grove Software

OR… Just contact Liberty Grove Software by calling 630-858-7388 or emailing nav@libertygrove.com.


Article written by Liberty Grove Software
Liberty Grove Software grew out of its predecessor company, Studebaker Technology, which in 1996 became one of the first Navision developer/resellers in North America (Navision was the predecessor to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central/NAV). As you can tell from our website, we focus exclusively on Business Central/NAV. Almost all our certifications, third-party add-ons, associates, services, and projects are Business Central/NAV-related. This is intentional because we want to offer only the highest caliber expertise to our clients, and we feel we can achieve this only if we devote ourselves to one ERP product.
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