July 18, 2022

5 Signs that You're Choosing the Wrong ERP Partner for Your Implementation

Some believe that black cats crossing a person's path from right to left is a bad omen. So is picking the wrong ERP Partner

I don't know about you, but I'm not superstitious. Furthermore, although I thought the cat crossing the street was a catchy image for this blog, trust me. I will not talk to you about black cats, broken mirrors, or sidewalk cats. I will talk to you about how you can avoid choosing the wrong ERP partner for your software implementation. Because in my long experience in this business – the business of ERP software – I have often heard from my customers about bad experiences they endured when they inadvertently chose the wrong partner to implement their ERP software system.

Let's get right to the point…

Too Big

This is an example of the fish-pond analogy. Ask yourself: Do you want to be a small fish in a big pond? If you're a small or midmarket company, choosing a very large ERP implementation partner could be the wrong choice. Realistically, you will not get the same mindshare as a bigger company. Your implementation is simply not going to be prioritized over more lucrative implementations. Of course, these ERP partners might claim to treat all of their clients equally, but when push comes to shove, that's probably not the reality.

Too Small

Using that same analogy, you should ask yourself: Do you want to be a big fish in a small pond? Probably not, and I'll tell you why. If, for the sake of argument, the small ERP implementation partner that you're evaluating employs, say, 3-4 full-time ERP implementation specialists. One leaves the company, and a second comes down with COVID, leaving only 1 or 2 people to pick up the slack. If your implementation is one of the bigger ones this partner is currently working on, you may receive preferential treatment. But do you really want to test that theory?

ERP Partner Lacks Good Listening Skills

Diverse group of employees listening in the boardroom

Some ERP partners like to hear themselves talk. They monopolize the conversation in an effort to show you how much they know and how successful they are. But where are you in that equation?

Are they listening to you?

A good ERP implementation partner should be putting you first, finding out what your company is all about, what your requirements are, what gaps in functionality you're looking to fill, what your experience with previous implementations has been like, and what you want your relationship with them to be. They should not jump in and cut you off whenever you speak. They should be taking notes. This is known as "active listening,"* and a good ERP implementation partner should be practicing it.

Poor Response Time

This is a reasonably straightforward pitfall to avoid when choosing an ERP implementation partner who will serve you well. In a nutshell, if the ERP partner or partners you're evaluating are not responsive at this early stage, there is no reason to believe that they will be once you've inked your John Hancock on the dotted line of an implementation contract. Flee before that happens!

Quick Start Time

This is another easy sign that you're barking up the wrong tree. When you're ready to implement a new ERP software system, and you're speaking with several partners as you attempt to choose a good one, you likely ask the question: When will you be able to start the job? If the partner tells you that they can begin immediately, you should see that as a red flag. It means that they don't have a lot of work, and while there might be several reasons, none are good.

In Conclusion

We have now covered what we set out to do in this blog. We have delved into the "5 Signs that You're Choosing the Wrong Partner for Your ERP Implementation" in some detail. However, the flip side is:

Now read "5 Signs You're Choosing the Right Partner for Your ERP Implementation!"

About Us

Liberty Grove Software is a renowned Microsoft Partner specializing in sales, implementation, service, support, training, and upgrades of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central/NAV ERP solutions.

For more than 25 years, we have helped hundreds of small to mid-sized customers as well as Microsoft ERP Partners implement, train, customize, and upgrade their Microsoft Dynamics ERP solutions.

We are one of only a handful of Microsoft-recognized Business Central/NAV Upgrade Service Centers in the world. With hundreds of successful Business Central/NAV implementations and upgrades completed, you've come to the right place if you're looking for the right-sized partner to execute your ERP software implementation.

Take the next step…

Contact Liberty Grove Software by calling 630-858-7388 or emailing nav@libertygrove.com.

*Active listening is the practice of preparing to listen, observing what verbal and non-verbal messages are being sent, and then providing appropriate feedback for the sake of showing attentiveness to the message being presented.

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Article written by Liberty Grove Software
Liberty Grove Software grew out of its predecessor company, Studebaker Technology, which in 1996 became one of the first Navision developer/resellers in North America (Navision was the predecessor to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central/NAV). As you can tell from our website, we focus exclusively on Business Central/NAV. Almost all our certifications, third-party add-ons, associates, services, and projects are Business Central/NAV-related. This is intentional because we want to offer only the highest caliber expertise to our clients, and we feel we can achieve this only if we devote ourselves to one ERP product.
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